A group exhibition​​​​​​​ in the Jart Gallery

Ekaterina Gersimenko, Evgenia Dudnikova and Nika Chernyaeva
In the works presented in the gallery's exposition, recognizable objects cause dissonance and make the viewer think about the reality of what is depicted. The works are based on childhood memories or impressions of specific people, objects, or phenomena, recorded in photographs and processed in such a way that a feeling of two worlds is created.

The theme of illusion is one of the main ones in the work of Evgenia Dudnikova. The figures of people and objects in her paintings are recognizable, but at the same time the heroes find themselves in a fantastical environment, the action unfolds against the backdrop of mystical landscapes, and her surrealistic plots resemble either a distorted reality or a dream. The reimagined reality in her works looks like a utopia, but perhaps this is what our future looks like.

Artist Nika Chernyaeva creates paintings from the Akhmat series on the basis of photographs taken in the village with her grandparents, where she was sent for summer vacations as a child. However, a collage created from several images is used as a preliminary sketch, not a single photograph. Thus, the author creates a montage of reality, correcting it. The canvases are transformed into memories of real events that actually did not happen.

Pictures, often blurred, and taken on a mobile phone, become the basis for the work of another artist - Katya Gerasimenko. The artist processes these photographs, bringing some context into them, or vice versa - extracting imprinted objects from them - everyday objects from everyday life, objects from reality that seem familiar to us. Snatched from the real world and placed in the center of the composition of a painting, brightly colored emotionally (and sometimes literally), they find themselves in the center of a parallel reality created by the artist.
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