Evgeniya Dudnikova was born in 1995 in the Moscow region. Now, she lives and works in Santiago, Chile.
2013 - 2019 Master's degree in Monumental and Decorative Art (Painting), Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts.
2018-2019 Graduated from the School of Contemporary Art Free Workshops at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art.
Artist Statement
Evgeniya works mainly with figurative painting, sculpture, and installation in which she is balancing between traditions of surrealism and ideas of Jungianism. She issues the challenge to create symbolic language, in which she addresses herself to the inner spiritual wandering, theme of fate and transformation, and exploring nature of reality. Her tools for carrying out this research become world and personal myths, her relationships with nature, dreams analysis, and life experience.

In each work, she contemplates the nature of things and intertwines interrelations between objects. The rich abundance of images, combined into constellations, is a distinctive feature of Dudnikova’s style, alike the surrealistic techniques. Her images mostly deal directly with nature, emerging from it or producing new lifeforms. The artist’s profound connection with nature dates as far back as her childhood, she spent, surrounded by forests and their dwellers, and her close relations with horses as well. The attachment to wild nature, traveling, and intense observation of the elements and natural phenomena have now become an integral part of her creative practice as well as her personal identity.

Personal Exhibitions

"A star is born in the cloud", Triumph Gallery, Moscow

"Nomads", JART Gallery, Moscow

Group exhibitions and fairs (selected)

"Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair", London
"Connecting past to present”, Lutra Gallery, Shanghai
"|catalog|" art fair, participation with Jart Gallery, Sitin’s topography, Moscow

"|catalog|" art fair, participation with Triumph Gallery, Sitin’s topography, Moscow
"1703" art fair, participation with Third Space Gallery, Saint Petersburg

"If Turn Humankind into a Clock", Name Gallery, Saint Petersburg
"Cosmoscow" International Contemporary Art Fair, participation with Jart Gallery, Gostiny Dvor, Moscow
"Uroboros", JART Gallery, Moscow
"Vacation", Moscow Museum of Modem Art
"Hidden Places", Bunker 703, MaxArt Foundation, Moscow

"Blazar", art fair for young contemporary art, participation with Sample Gallery, Museum of Moscow
"Redrum", JART Gallery, Moscow
"It's About Time", Na Peschanoy Gallery, Moscow

“Bauhaus Games”, Russian State Art Library, Moscow
"Workshop 20'19. Dysmorphophobia, or the War Within Your Mind", Moscow Museum of Modern Art
"Free Off", CCl Fabrika, Moscow
"It Drives Me Crazy", Vadim Sidur Museum, Moscow Museum of Modern Art
"Workshop ’17", Moscow Museum of Modern Art
"Primates", State Darwin Museum, Moscow
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