Velimir Khlebnikov, whose poem serves both as a poetic image of the exhibition and as its semantic vector, possessed not only literary talent but also a mathematical mindset. His interest in the history of sciences, numbers, and theories of a "unified universe" led him to discover a formula for calculating time intervals between recurring or radically opposing events in history. Over time, his formula underwent changes, responding to Khlebnikov's new conclusions and discoveries, but the essence remained the same – the poet spoke about the cyclicality of history in the language of mathematics and poetry, seeking through scientific knowledge a tool for predetermining the future.
Humans, despite being called rational beings, often fail to meet the expectations placed upon them. The inability to learn from one’s own mistakes, both in private life and in situations concerning the larger community, increasingly leads to frightening consequences. The role of the artist in today's world of hopelessness and ignorance takes on special importance, and here Khlebnikov becomes a lyrical hero/trickster, an example of the "singer of modernity," a prophet and "warning sage," speaking from the perspective of his "post-human dreams." It is no coincidence that people in creative professions face significant persecution – few enjoy confronting the imperfections of existence.
In moments of crisis, humanity often turns to sources of irrational knowledge in a bid to overcome the unbearable nature of events, to find alternative points of support, and explanations for what is happening, and ideally — to foresee the future or, at least, the end of dark times. It is no surprise that we are currently witnessing a rise in interest in astrology, numerology, tarot cards, and various forms of magic. The territory of the mystical becomes a space where individuals attempt to forget, hide, and overcome their own fears that overwhelm us today, as reality becomes tormenting for the human psyche. Speculation serves as a form of protection, creating the illusion of safety, as it provides an illusion of control while leaving space for randomness.
Thus, the artists participating in the project present various speculative approaches to predicting the future. Any notions of what is to come are projected from the present, which is filled with anxieties that cannot be controlled. Here, artists take on the roles of mystics, numerologists, visionaries, and futurists — they experiment with vision, word, and body, project flying mechanisms, and transform using biomorphic masks, offering specific coordinate systems that provide alternatives to the unbearable current reality.
Khlebnikov wrote the poem "If I Turn Humanity into Clocks" in 1922 — the year of his death. Ahead of humanity lie wars, famine, repression, and many other tragedies, both personal and global. A hundred years have passed, yet we seem to continue falling down the rabbit hole, only occasionally slowing down for brief respites. And will we finally be able to land?
Lizaveta Matveeva